Cotton Fabric/Short sleeve only
Order forms due Sept 5th (available in the middle school office)
Sizes Youth XS- Adult 3X
Congratulations Cole and Lilly!
Some of our Chieftain runners were at LCU this morning competing at the Cross Country Meet. They did a great job. Go Chiefs!
Middle School Cheer Fundraisers:
Order forms available in the middle school office OR order from our middle school cheerleaders.
Braves T-shirt COMING SOON!
CMS will now have a Pep Squad. Open to all middle school students. Permission forms available in the MS office. Due September 2nd.
For our scrimmage tomorrow, LC is asking for donations of hygiene products in lieu of admission.
We have a few extra 23-24 yearbooks for sale for $50. If you would like to purchase one, please come by the MS office by Friday, August 23rd.
Senior Citizen Activity Passes are available for pickup in the Administration Office!
Starting Wednesday, August 21st CCISD encourages all staff and students to wear a college shirt to school.
**Time Change for Thursday's Scrimmage.
Congratulations Dakota and Leandra!
Dual credit night:
Congratulations to our 2024-2025 CHS Class Officers. Student Body President applications have gone out and are due Monday, August 19th at 3:00 p.m. Candidates will campaign for two weeks, and Student Body President Election will be held Friday, August 30th. Election results will be announced Tuesday, September 3rd.
Here is the new school year calendar:
Happy First Day of School CHS Class of 2025! Wishing you all a great Senior year!
Welcome back to school!
Do not forget you MUST have your ID with you when you come to sign in/out your student or if you are visiting the campus.
Welcome back to school!
Crosbyton CISD staff surprised the Costilla and Winn Family by visiting them today. Wishing you the best as you heal and improve. WE LOVE YOU!
Chieftain Sound practice is back in full swing! Our band members and staff are hard at work!